‘BRing the Dialogue – European Green DEAL and CAP’

The ‘BRIng the Dialogue – European Green DEAL and the CAP’ is a joint effort of Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE), its youth network Young Friends of the Earth Europe, and eight FoEE member organisations in Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Spain and Sweden with the goal to increase stakeholder engagement with and citizens’ knowledge about the new CAP and the European Green Deal.

The project will raise awareness and build trust in European policies through providing targeted information and dialogue spaces for stakeholders and the general public about the new CAP in its relation to the European Green Deal through the creation of over 100 activities and quality materials. The agreement on a new CAP and the approval of member states' CAP National Strategic Plans (NSPs) in 2021 will be a crucial opportunity to ensure dialogue and quality information for stakeholders about the new policy. Over 40 events will engage farmers in dialogue with other stakeholders like NGOs, researchers, local authorities representatives. At the same time, 50 activities and supporting materials will help reach out to general interested public, disseminated through the partner organisations’ strong communication and dissemination channels and press outreach.

The project impact will be to contribute to increasing the trust in EU policies and the European project in general, higher knowledge and uptake of funding for environmental protection through the CAP, and increased interest and understanding of youth and general public for the hard work of food producers and how agriculture can contribute to stooping biodiversity loss and to environmental protection.

Translation of centrally produced CAP report

Infosheets (Ecoschemes)

Video about CAP

Informative video about CAP:

Video: Bad agriculture practice

Video: Good agriculture practice

Webinar: Colorful landscape: A challenge for CAP


Article in Evergreen magazine:

Press releases and articles in conventional media:

Radio interviews:


Financováno z programu Evropské unie IMCAP. Obsah této stránky představuje pouze názory autora, který za něj nese výlučnou odpovědnost. Evropská komise nepřijímá žádnou odpovědnost za použití informací, které obsahuje.

